Whats up every one! I haven’t been able to update my blog since last week cos I have been busy, busy, busy. However, I was still able to visit some of my regular blogs and for those I haven’t dropped by yet, don’t worry I have y’all in mind and will drop by as soon as I find time to.
I am going to give you guys a recap of what’s been going on with me since last Friday.
I didn’t go to work today as I had an interview with one of the multinational giants in the country. Had to take a casual leave from work so i could attend the interview. My boss didnt like it but he had to give in although he didnt know the real reason why.
Got to the interview venue( one of the 5 star hotels in
At about
One hour and One segment after, we went for a tea break. My group had been the last to finish our discussions and by the time we got to the Tea room, sharp guys and babes done chop the better things finish. Just a few croissants, toasts and pastries were left. Being the nice babe I am and since I was supposed to be on a diet, I decided to leave the snacks for my other group members to share and I had some watermelon and pineapple slices which tasted nice anyway.
Next was the analysis and presentation stage after which we went for a second break. This time, it was for lunch. Me, I didn’t want any story this time o so I made sure I was among the first set to get to the restaurant. Turned out it was unnecessary as it was a buffet and they was more than enough food to go round. I sha use vex enter the food, taking a bit of every thing that smelt/looked good: Jollof rice, bushmeat, chicken, beef and shaki, salad, Efo riro(vegetable soup). Yea,I know I was supposed to be on a diet but the kain hunger wey dey gba me then no let me think that side at all but sha when every one was going for deserts I had to tell myself: “Princess u berra respect urself and just gum ur yansh for chair!”.
Last stage of the interview over, it was time to battle my way through the crazy island traffic back home. Got home about
I am praying I get the job and I need y’all to do some prayers/fasting for me too. When I get the job I go buy una………….ok ok just let me know what you want then and it will be granted and noo this is not a politician’s promise at all.
I did some cleaning/washing around the house in the morning. At about 12pm,I went with my brother to buy a spare tire for my car(I had been driving for a while now without one, God know what my fate would have been in the hands of Lagos area boys if I ever had the misfortune of a flat tire driving at night, God! I don’t even want to think of that). Got back home at about after By the time I got to Trade fair complex around
Took my bath, watched a movie halfway and slept off.
After the stress of the previous day, i just didn’t feel like driving to church coupled with the fact that to get a parking space in my church is something else(u could still be looking for where to park ur car and the mass would be over before you find one) so i decided to take a bus/okada(a bike) which ever one I got first. 15 mins later I was still standing under my umbrella (it was raining) at the entrance to my close waiting for a bus/okada. Just as I was contemplating going back home to pick my car, this jeep drives out of the close and stops in front of me. I peered in to see if it was someone i knew but the face looked unfamiliar. The driver wound down the glass and asked if he could drop me off. I had no choice o! It was either that or go back home to pick my car and risk spending the whole time looking for where to park. I got in and prepared my self for the toasting I knew was going to follow. I was in no mood for any toasting but i just had to be nice afterall he was doing me a favour by dropping me off @ church.
As I was about getting down he asked for my number and I just smiled and said “Am sorry but my boyfriend wont take kindly to men calling me”. He was a gentleman and didn’t push any further.
Am in church and trying to listen to the homily but am being distracted by some guy that just keeps staring @ me like am some alien or something. Why do people have to stare stupidly at someone? I mean if you have to stare why not do it stylishly??
Went to the salon to do my hair for the week.
Later in the day I hung out @ the palms mall in lekki with my friend Obi. It’s his birthday today(Manda u missed, sorry u had to work).
Back to work. Meetings, Meetings, Meetings. We are preparing for an advertising pitch in the office and that means chasing graphic artists, copywriters, radio/television jingles producers, printers and all. Work has to be completed in time for the presentation date scheduled by Client.
Work, Work, and more work! Have to do a photography shoot for the advertising campaign. Co-ordinating kids aint an easy task o! “Aunty I want sweets! I want more sweets!! I want to peeepeee!!!!” God have mercy!
More work.
3pm. My boss calls me-"Princess, get ready we have a meeting with the chairman of xxxxx Company by 4 pm". God! Not today! am thinking. I already have a headache and if i know that woman very well(The chairman of xxxxx Company), we will sit for like 2 hours before she see us. that would mean we would be starting the meeting about 6pm and if we are lucky to round up in an hour. we should leave there by 7pm. The trip back to the office will take another 45mins(if the traffic is not too heavy), then i would leave for home around 7:45pm to get home in another 1 hour. 8:45pm!
No way!
I buzz my boss.
"Sir, cant we reschedule the meeting for tomorrow morning, its already late".
"No, we cant. It was hard enough to get this appointment. If the client says she wants it at 6pm we just have to be there".
6pm. We are still in the reception waiting for her majesty. My colleague turns to me and whispers:
"Even if na president we come see sef, e no go be like dis"
Finally around 6.30pm, we were ushered in to her office by her secretary.
Meeting starts. My boss introduces the agenda. Guess what Madam says:
"Am sorry but we havnt even discussed this in house yet. We have to reschedule this meeting to next week."
God! I feel like giving this woman a knock on the head.
Now i have to go face the late evening rush hour traffic. God help me!
Still more work. Thank God no meetings today. Am not in the mood for too much grammar. More photography shoots. Work has to be concluded this week so i just have to get off this computer and do some more chasing around the agency.
See you around guys.
Good luck...i will pray for you.
I remember the traffic, man crazy
Thanks pammy.
Pray hard o! No worry the more the prayer.........
hope you get the job. then we'll discuss the washing.
WOW..!! Long one…“a week in the life of…”?? I used to stay along that Badagry expressway axis, so I can relate. The traffic can best be described as a NIGHTMARE..!! As for your meeting with “madam chairlady”…best take that as part of looking for business. We all go through that… At least you seemed to have had ONE relatively good day though. Here’s hoping the rest of your week goes smoothly…Good luck on the job interview…!!!
lol, Princess! where do i start?
girl this is homework
I only got as far as the title
but don't worry, the weekends almost here. I'll happily read the post in full then
I guess I deserve this, cos I was most desperately waiting for you to update
glad you did
there is a competition running at the africanloft....
pls check my pg for more details....
thank you,
na wa o
I know!!! Don't u just hate it when a guy keeps staring at u for long, and he knows u noticed that too, and hi go still dey look like roasted he-goat...dat crap pisses me off abeg
lol naija hold-up...na wa o
some ppl go comto dem car, begin waka..lol
I pray u get d job o
infact, I dey go on dry fasting now
God Help me
Me am praying o and no i don't want present or washing. Once u get into that multinational we shall discuss... Goodluck.
As for the guys staring at u , means ur hooooot. Don't we just lurve it sometimes..........
@friend of god, no wahala.Thanks for the prayer.
@Obi,i pity the guys that have to go thru the stress on that road everyday. Its a real NIGHTMARE!Thank God say u don comot there o.
@DOG, lol. I just knew it!Lazy bones!! Come back here and read it osiso!(fast fast).
@sparkle, lol @ dry fasting. Thanks darling.
@a kel called wonder, lol. Thanks for the prayer too. Not scared to discuss at all(wink).
Sometimes the staring can be sooo embarrassing too.
i hope u dont blog from work o!this one u said you have an interview and ur boss didnt know abt it
@Pink-satin. Yea i do but dont worry dear. Nothing dey happen.Thanks for the concern anyway.
thanks for stopping by?
u had to work with kids? EWOOOOOOOOOOO.
Wow, I just read your whole diary! really eventful! Have a nice weekend girl!
hope you'll get the job.
Hey babe, how now. I hope and pray you get the job too, cos i have a long list sef, lol. Eeeyah ndo, i know that road to Tradefair very well, there's always hold up, its so ridiculous, pele. LOL@knocking 'her majesty' on the head, nah wah for that sha...hehehe @ not eating too much at the interview thing...i'm sure some people went 3 or 4 times sef. Eeyah at man in d jeep, that was nice of him sha, too bad he got an isho:D Have a lovely weekend babe, dont stress too much...
I am tagging you...(8 random things about yourself). Details on my page. cheers
..finally an update, i was beginnin to think you left us all alone in blogworld.
..don't worry, if the job is yours then God will do the rest.
..you are strong oh, me i always refuse to enter any car that stops 4 me. the fear of ritual people is forever ingrained in my mind ,courtsey of my busybody mother.
wow princess what a crazy week!
best of luck getting the new job
hope the salon help revitalized you
The Trade fair complex along badagry express way..hey thats the same place Manda had to go...]
I see I am becoming fimilar with some places and lagos the traffic...lol
I think I know...but how does one
stare stylishly?lol
maybe I can move to lagos and do my thing as a radio/television jingle producer/rapper lol
didn't you just see that one coming from her majesty?
TGI friday
well weekend
after I get off this computer
I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get the job....starting now
That her majesty na wa! Why didnt she call and reschedule the meeting knowing that she didnt discussed it in house yet?
Chei Princess Lingerthroat. So cos of jollof rice and efo, u just abandon ya diet throway am for gutter ?!?! God Dey oh. LOL!!
BEst wishes with ur interview. Hope you get a positivie response.
Couldnt help but laugh at ya pain on saturday. Imagine staying that long in traffic and getting to the market and its closed. Chei! Pele. U must buy helicopter to be ferrying u to this places u know? Abi u don forget say u be princess? LOL!!
This ya post na helele. This one don pass marathon posting.
the work na ur own in Jesus name, no worry. at least i fit use ur influence enter there too *wink*
work can be crazy sometimes, if i had to describe my work in the last one month, i would use only one word - MADLY CRAZY (ok, its two words)
hang in there girl, no forget to tell us when dem give u work ooo
All these comments, only me! Na wa o! Any way thanks to every one dat dropped by.
@catwalq, yea i had to work with kids and it was fun despite the stress sha.
@Nyemoni, na real diary o!eventful too.
@cinnamonqueen, yea thanks.
@omosewa, i like the way u captured all the jists in ur comment.
No worry, am hoping the salary will take care of ur 'long' list.
@friend of god,ok so am tagged! E wo! I have been dreading this 8 random things sha.
@toyintomato,i cant abandon you guys o! sweetie na me and una for blogville .
@DOG, lol, lol, lol.
U funny dude!Coming to Lag to be a rapper/jingle producer aint a bad idea o!Maybe u will be the hottest thing after Dbanj. Will love to have u bro.
Keep the fingers crossed ok.
@Calabar gal, lol @ marathon posting/helicopter ferrying me round lasgidi. They have one tho on the island- Caverton helicopters but me no fit afford am o!maybe u can help a sis out by sending some pounds, hehehe.
@an ibo dude, Amen o! I claim am!!
No worry we go wash am when d time reach.
Thanks for the good will.
promise to comment tomoro gurl, day has been crazi!
@manda, eh ya! Pele o! I feel u!
My day has been Kra.. too.
I really like your blog post about getting a job. I appreciate that you mentioned praying. I think that's always important and it's great to have the support of your friends while you're looking for a new job. Elliot Stackable Visitor’s Chair
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